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Current weather in Ceduna

(for the time 21, September, 20)
Current weather conditions in Ceduna (South Australia, Australia):
Air temperature  +6.1°C
Dew point  +6.0°C
Effective temperature  +3°C
Effective sun temperature  +3°C
Wind direction  North
Wind speed  3 m/s
Relative humidity  99%
Clouds  unspecified
Atmospheric phenomenon  
Visibility  unspecified
Atmospheric pressure at station level  1016.3 hPa
Atmospheric pressure at sea level  1018.2 hPa
  • Attention! The time in the title is UTC. To get the local time, you must add delta that equals 9.5 h. Current weather data received from the weather station Ceduna (South Australia, Australia).
  • Location of the weather station:
    latitude -32.13 longitude 133.70 altitude 15 m.
  • Effective temperature - the temperature felt by a seasonally dressed person in the shade. The calculation takes into account the influence of humidity, wind speed and atmospheric pressure on the human heat perception.
  • Effective sun temperature - the temperature that a person feels, adjusted for solar radiation. Depends on the height of the sun above the horizon. At night and in cloudy weather, the correction is zero.
  • A symbolic image of an atmospheric phenomenon is shown in the upper left corner.
  • In the upper right corner you can see the comfort of the weather during the observation period.